Serving Houston and surrounding areas
The Al-Anon and Alateen Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experiences, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.
Your generous donation helps pay our expenses such as 24-hour phone answering, this website, rent, and office personnel.
By clicking Donate Now, you affirm that you are an Al-Anon member. In keeping with the 7th Tradition, Al-Anon is fully self-supporting, accepting contributions only from Al-Anon members, and declining outside contributions. For donations in memory of or based on a Member's Will please contact the office for further instructions. Checks may be mailed to the address below.
If making donations on behalf of your group please include the group number.
Thank you!
Feel free to visit our Houston store during normal business hours.
9800 Northwest Freeway, Suite 201, Houston, Texas 77092, United States
Open today | 10:00 am – 03:00 pm |
Al-Anon Family Group Service
9800 Northwest Freeway | Suite 201 | Houston, TX 77092
alanon@houstonalanon.org | (713) 683-7227
Copyright © 2024 Al-Anon Family Group Service Inc - All Rights Reserved.
*Reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.